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Developing green competencies has become and will be in the foreseeable future the key to maintaining added value in sustainable economy EU thrives to create. It has become clear that VET and businesses alike must adapt to the uncertainties the future brings and simultaneously contribute to sustainable society.

The importance that green skills are gaining in these unpredictable times, when demands for more sustainable operating and functioning are more pressing and changing, translates also into the world of education, if not into the world of vocational education and training even more naturally, being the education sector the most closely linked to the industry.

Green skills and sustainable economy require the development of a high-value, high quality skill sets within the VET and SME sector. Agile mindset and readiness for change are immensely important, more than ever, to foster and enable change toward sustainable and green economy.

Raising awareness about environmental and climate-change challenges of decision-makers in both educational and economy sector is pivotal to change behaviour and guide shift toward greening the existing curricula resulting in and developing new green competencies.

The Green Collider project and partnership is working on these topics from 2022 to 2024.


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Green Collider project’s main aim is to explore and contribute to the readiness of European VET providers and SMEs to introduce changes and measures set in the European Green Deal.

The main objectives are:

  • to raise awareness on the importance of introduction of the changes brought by the European Green Deal in both VET and business sector;
  • to raise readiness for change level in VET and business sector (with special focus on SMEs);
  • to contribute to bridging the gap between labour market needs and vocational education and training programmes in the field of sustainable thinking and circular economy, by establishing and further strengthening the cooperation between VET providers and business sector;
  • to facilitate transnational knowledge and know-how exchange and knowledge co-creation;
  • by developing innovative tools and practices for the training of VET professionals and in-company mentors, to implement sustainable thinking and to consequently prepare VET students for future needs of the labour market, i.e. provide them skills needed to be competitively advantaged after completing their VET programmes;
  • to develop sustainable and transferable tools for implementing sustainable thinking and developing green skills in both formal and in-formal VET.


Green Collider

The Green Collider Masterclass consists of 4 tailor-made modules covering the theoretical and practical knowledge on the sustainable thinking and green competencies development, enriched with series of four short webinars in February 2023. The Green Collider Masterclass provides a variety of elementary knowledge and practical uses so that VET teachers and learners can implement them in the next step of solving a real-life authentic task provided by the SMEs.

VET-Business Green Cooperation Collider

VET-Business Green Cooperation Collider, a conceptual framework covering different methodologies for VET-business cooperation, such as authentic task challenge from the real work environment and accompanying self-reflecting tool in a format of an online interactive game, which can also be used independently. This product proposes a comprehensive experience for VET teachers and learners in collaboration with SMEs; it supports them to maximize the potential of the introducing sustainable thinking in learning environment and thus representing an innovation in the VET arena.

Green Collider
Policy Paper

It summarizes the designed bottom-up policy learning and making process and considers two key issues: the role of VET teachers in developing green competencies and sustainable thinking through VET-business cooperation and WBL/apprenticeship activities and how the proliferation of competence driven curriculum and using of sustainable thinking and green skills within the VET sector close the skills-needs gap and what is the role of VET in this process; empowering VET teachers and learners to be confident when introducing sustainable thinking in teaching environment through policy actions.


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Erythrou Stavrou 28 & Karyotaki,
22131, Tripolis

The University of the Peloponnese was established in 2000. The headquarters of the University of the Peloponnese is in Tripolis, Greece and it comprises of 9 Schools and 22 academic Departments. It has a student population of approximately 25000 people. It offers studies in all cycles of learning:  undergraduate, postgraduate and Doctoral as well as Life Long Learning and VET activities. The aim of the establishment and operation of the University of the Peloponnese is the advancement of teaching, research and overall growth in the Greek region, with high quality standards with respect to the content of studies, research and teaching according to the needs of a modern University with national, European and international scope. The University of the Peloponnese is significantly active in research having approximately 250 competitive research projects in progress (mostly international as well as nationally funded projects) such as Horizon 2020, Erasmus+, Interreg, Programs of National Strategic Reference Framework and many others.

Dimiceva 13
1504 Ljubljana

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (CCIS) is a non-profit, non-governmental, independent business organization representing the interest of its members (more than 7000 member companies). With almost 170 years of tradition, it is the most influential business organization in Slovenia. The member companies of CCIS come from all sectors and all regions in Slovenia. CCIS unites 26 branch associations, representing all important industry sectors of Slovenia. CCIS has 13 regional offices in Slovenia. CCIS employees provide knowhow, expertise and knowledge in a broad spectrum of areas and topics. CCIS has the status of a representative Chamber of Commerce and is partner for the government in preparing legislation and policy strategies. CCIS is a member in numerous governmental bodies, boards and committees, providing knowhow and expertise in various fields, in the area of education and learning.

Raval de Sant Pere, 1, entresuelo 43201 Reus, Tarragona

DomSpain (DS Formacio) is a Training and Consulting Company active on a national and international level. It offers a variety of services to the public and private sector of Spain and actively participates in international schemes through a well-established network of partners abroad. DomSpain is engaged in the EU Pact for Skills. The courses and trainings are implemented in our own premises as well as at 6 civic centres and 5 primary and secondary schools of the Tarragona province. We employ 40 educators and count with around 1400 students each academic year. DomSpain is a member of the International E-Learning Association, an international network of e-learning professionals, researchers, and students. It also focusses on strengthening the capacity of small-sized enterprises and organisations, as well as volunteering, working on social issues, involving in our activities all community members, including employers and governmental officials at all levels.

Via Pietra Pinta, 31 Cori, Latina

Taste Roots Cooperative Society is a start-up set up in July 2017 whose main focus is digital rural development and creation of tourism branding activities for different enterprises. Its working area is Latina county, in southern part of Rome. Taste Roots has been established to combine the experience in business development, digital communication, project management and training gained by the founding members. Those experiences have been gained during the activities/projects carried out as freelancers working in the field of training/education of youth and adults, as well as European project management (front-desk, fundraising, project communication, output delivery, etc.). Taste Roots has important experience with reference to green economy as currently developing a web-app service to assess the green-friendliness in managerial processes of businesses, basically assessing the different aspects and facets of energy consumption, staff training, business strategies, usage of technology, automatisation processes and so on.

Geidorfplatz 2
8010 Graz

Auxilium is a non-profit research and development association located in Graz / Austria with its main aim to improve cultural and education exchange between organisations and institutions in Europe. Since 2004 Auxilium has been participating in a number of co-operation and exchange projects and strategic partnerships in the fields of education, culture, health and social sciences to support the main aims of the association. On this basis, Auxilium has gathered vast experiences and built-up broad expertise in the planning and implementation of transnational European co-operation projects. Auxilium has participated in more than 45 European co-operation projects in different funding programmes mainly being responsible for pedagogical developments as well as for the quality management with the project.

Podlubnik 1b
4220 Škofja Loka

Šolski center Škofja loka (School Center Škofja Loka) is situated in the Gorenjska region – the north western part of Slovenia. It is a public, non-profit educational organization. The tradition of our School Center goes back to the year 1889 when a craftsmen school was established in Škofja Loka. Within the center, there are three independent schools, which educate and train, both students and adults, in various technical fields and to various professional levels. SC Škofja Loka has four organizational units: Secondary school of mechanical engineering, Secondary school of wood engineering, Vocational College and Business to Business education center Secondary School of Mechanical Engineering.

Csengery u. 9.,H-8800 Nagykanizsa HUNGARY

Europa Consortium is a non-governmental organisation actively supporting its region with social innovation, youth, education, nature and environment protection, tourism and regional development projects. Its colleagues have a long track of experience on the field of management of EU funded projects. The organisation provides project management services throughout the whole project lifecycle, offers in-house and small group trainings as well as coaching solutions on project development and management. The organisation has a well-established network with local, regional and national decision-makers and other stakeholders. Its experts are involved in regional and territorial planning activities too. ECN is capable to effectively address a large number of professionals and to disseminate information on various initiations.


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